Tutorial (read me before playing) (will add to game when I'm less insane)

Defend your ship against insane dragons, with the help of powerful elements!

[A] - switch, [D] - action

Press "action" to attack

Hold "switch" and press "action", to power-up the weapon in the expense of sanity

Double-tap "switch" to change weapon


Earth - high damage single-target

Fire - medium damage AOE

Wind - medium damage multi-target, knock back small enemies

Water - slow down / immobilise all enemies


Each enemy may be more resistant / vulnerable to some elements

Woody - treats all elements equally

Fiery - likes fire and hates water

Sandy - likes earth and hates wind

Icy - likes water and hates fire

DarkJade - a very small, fast dragon that passes by occasionally! Catch it for a bonus!


The bonus from DarkJade can be positive or negative and is randomly generated. The possibility of each bonus depends on your sanity.

Watch out for the Insanity Zone!

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